Small Business Bankruptcy Basics – Course hosted by NBI

Attorney Josh Burnett and William Amann are looking forward to presenting at National Business Institute’s upcoming course, “Small Business Bankruptcy Basics” on Thursday, August 18, 2022. Register today at NBI!
Program Description
Handling Small Business Bankruptcies in the Post-Pandemic Era
After several years in a pandemic, many small businesses have struggled to stay afloat – and it’s no surprise that bankruptcy filings are expected to increase. Are you ready? Join our faculty and explore the nuts and bolts of business bankruptcy law and review the essential strategies needed to capitalize on recent changes to the Bankruptcy Code. Register today!
- Run through small business bankruptcy options and processes.
- Examine the eligibility determinations, timelines, plan of reorganization strategies, creditor treatment, and more.
- Learn the disposition of SBA loans in bankruptcy.
William J. Amann and Joshua A. Burnett from Amann Burnett Law.
Course Content
- Options and Process: Chapter 13, Chapter 7, and Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
- SBRA and Small Business Bankruptcy Under Subchapter V of Chapter 11
- Latest Changes in Small Business Case Eligibility, Opting In and Out, and Redesignation
- The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021
- Powers and Duties of the Debtor and Trustee
- Confirmable Plans of Reorganization
- Valuing, Characterizing, and Exempting Business Assets and Income
- SBA Loans and Bankruptcy
- Creditor Rights and Treatment of Secured Claims
- Veil Piercing and Other Creditor Remedies
- The Absolute Priority Rule
- Obtaining a Discharge and Timing
Use Promo Code FSPN50 at checkout to get $50 off! Hope to see you there!
Be sure to tag @National Business Institute and include relevant hashtags in your post. Or contact us today to learn more about our bankruptcy expertise.